Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.

Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Town Authors A Comment Letter For Rice Pond Village

The lack of transparency from Sean Hendricks, Conor McCormick, and Mary Krumsiek has raised questions about their actions and motivations regarding the proposed Rice Pond Village project. One one hand the Millbury Board of Selectmen claims that they do not endorse the proposed Rice Pond Village project, but on the other hand, the included "comment letter" clearly endorses the project.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Favorable Recommendation On Multi-Family Moratorium

At the public hearing for the town warrant article held on March 27, 2023, Steve Stearns presented on the Temporary Building Moratorium on Multi-Family Dwelling Units (refer to presentation), which received a unanimous recommendation in favor by the Millbury Planning Board. Both residents and board members spoke in support of the warrant's value to the town of Millbury.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Public Hearing To Be Held On Temporary Multifamily Moratorium

If you are not aware of what state officials are actively promoting statewide for communities and what developers have planned for nearby communities you might not realize that large-scale residential developments could happen near or in your neighborhood. Steven F. Venincasa and James Venincasa’s proposed Rice Pond Village project is just the first Chapter 40B proposal, and it’s likely that more will follow.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Diversifying The Tax Base

Several large-scale residential developments have been added in recent years in Millbury town, but there is a growing sentiment among its residents that the resulting tax base is unbalanced and unsustainable. This is because there has been minimal development of new commercial, industrial, and open space to offset the expenses of services and maintenance.

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