Reelect The Incumbent Planning Board Candidates

It is crucial to participate in local elections since local officials make decisions that directly impact the daily lives of individuals in their communities. Local leaders, from board members to selectmen, have the power to shape policies on education, public safety, transportation, housing, and more. By participating in local elections, individuals can help elect officials who share their values and priorities and hold them accountable for their actions. Local elections also serve as a steppingstone for individuals to become more engaged in the democratic process and make a meaningful contribution to their communities.

The Millbury Planning Board plays a critical role in overseeing land use and development, shaping the community's future, maintaining its character and integrity, and serving as a resource for residents. They carefully review proposals for new development, weigh potential benefits and drawbacks, and make recommendations to the local government. They also develop and implement long-term plans for the community, preserve open spaces, protect historic sites, and ensure new development aligns with the community's vision. By serving as a liaison between the community and local government, the planning board helps to ensure that the community's voice is heard, and its needs are addressed.

As the planning board election approaches, it is crucial to consider the candidates' proven experience, dedication, character, integrity, and track record. Given these factors, the incumbent planning board candidates emerge as the most suitable and valuable option for the community.

Richard F. Gosselin, Jr. and Terry Burke Dotson have years of experience serving the community. They have a deep understanding of the issues affecting the community and have worked tirelessly to address them. Through their experience, they have developed the skills necessary to make informed decisions that benefit the community.

One of the key advantages of the incumbent planning board candidates is their institutional knowledge. They have been serving on the board for several years, and this gives them a deep understanding of the community's needs and priorities. They know what has worked in the past and what hasn't, which means they are well-equipped to make decisions that benefit the community.

Moreover, Gosselin and Dotson possess impressive records of achievement. They have demonstrated their ability to enhance the quality of life in the community through their participation in numerous projects. One such instance is the Rice Pond Village project, located at 17 Rice Road, which was ultimately rejected. Gosselin, Dotson, and other members of the board dedicated nearly a year of effort to collaborate with the developer and residents to address major issues related to public safety. They voluntarily invested their personal time to engage with community members and comprehend their concerns, all while seeking solutions. Despite their valiant efforts, the developer chose not to address the public safety and other concerns, resulting in the project being denied without an appeal. The neighborhood that would have been most impacted by the decision stands behind the Planning Board's verdict and endorses their reelection.

Active community involvement and the expression of concerns are of utmost importance. This is exemplified by the Rice Pond Village project, which was ultimately denied. Members of the board, including Gosselin and Dotson, were able to advocate for factual concerns raised by the community. When citizens fail to participate, it becomes significantly more challenging for the board to be aware of the issues at hand. With the possibility of transformative changes on the horizon for Millbury, such as the state's proposed allocation of 50 acres of downtown land for the “as of right” zoning for development of 750 apartments, we require experienced individuals who can advocate on behalf of Millbury with proven expertise.

Gosselin and Dotson exhibit exceptional attentiveness towards their constituents, displaying a willingness to listen to their concerns and conduct in-depth research to achieve the best possible outcomes for the community, while also adhering to the various zoning bylaws and state regulations. Dotson's unwavering commitment towards advocating for what she believes is in the community's best interest is unparalleled, as she vigorously champions the rights of its residents. Gosselin ensures inclusivity by gathering input from all stakeholders.

In conclusion, electing the incumbent planning board candidates will ensure that the community's future is in the hands of individuals with a proven track record of success. Gosselin and Dotson are the ideal candidates for the position, possessing years of experience, established relationships within the community, a clear vision for the future, and a history of success. By electing them, the community can rest assured that its priorities and needs will be well-represented on the planning board, especially in the face of upcoming challenges.

We strongly urge you to support Richard F. Gosselin, Jr. and Terry Burke Dotson, just as they have supported us over the years. Please exercise your right to vote in our upcoming town election on April 25, from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM at the Millbury Memorial Junior/Senior High School, located at 12 Martin Street. Your vote is crucial and will have a significant impact on our collective future.


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