Favorable Recommendation On Multi-Family Moratorium

At the public hearing for the town warrant article held on March 27, 2023, Steve Stearns presented on the Temporary Building Moratorium on Multi-Family Dwelling Units (refer to presentation), which received a unanimous recommendation in favor by the Millbury Planning Board. Both residents and board members spoke in support of the warrant's value to the town of Millbury.

Despite engaging in an assessment of the Millbury Zoning Bylaws for over 18 months, town officials and employees have not made significant progress, aside from changing one word in a definition of multi-family at a town meeting last year to align with the state's definition.

Residents and members of the Millbury Planning Board praised Steve Stearns for his research and efforts on this issue, which addresses concerns shared by many who believe that the zoning bylaws need immediate attention.

While the moratorium may only impact one multi-family project in the next 18 months, failure to pass the warrant at town meeting could have significant and potentially unwanted changes to Millbury's multi-family development landscape.

The Millbury Planning Board members, Richard Gosselin, Fran DeSimone, and Terry Burke Dotson, acknowledged the need to amend the Millbury Zoning Bylaws due to the challenges caused by contradictions and unclear language. They possess a wealth of experience that will be necessary for implementing updated zoning bylaws. Fran DeSimone highlighted that Millbury lacks multi-family zoning, and the current approach of piecing together appropriate bylaws presents significant challenges for the board. Fran DeSimone emphasized the importance of having clearly defined multi-family zoning bylaws, which would facilitate understanding and compliance for the board, developers, and residents.

The Town Manager, Sean Hendricks, appeared to be in favor of moving forward with a more general effort initiated by the town, setting a target deadline for completion and describing it as a "kick in the butt" with no real consequences if not accomplished by the expiration of the Temporary Building Moratorium on Multi-Family Dwelling Units, if approved by voters at town meeting on May 2, 2023.

Brian Sora, a Millbury Board of Selectmen candidate, clarified that the town warrant article only applies to multi-family units with three or more units, and it does not affect single-family or two-family homes, commercial properties, or industrial properties.


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