Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.

Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Chapter 40B Is Failing To Provide Affordable Housing

As a result, many developers have taken advantage of the law to build high-end luxury housing, rather than affordable housing. In some cases, developers have included a small percentage of affordable units in their projects but have priced them so high that they are not truly affordable to low-income residents. This has led to concerns that Chapter 40B is being used as a way to circumvent local zoning regulations and build high-end housing in areas where it would not otherwise be allowed.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Building Moratorium Public Hearing Scheduled

Multi-family residential projects do have a place in Millbury. However, these projects need to be sited on streets equipped to handle the additional traffic volume and equally important without exacerbating public safety. No one is opposed to sustainable growth, provided however, such development is safe, appropriate, responsible, and in full compliance with enacted Millbury Zoning Bylaws and other local and state regulations.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

No Build Wetlands Buffer Zone Scheduled

Our neighborhood and concerned residents throughout Millbury who have concerns about the protection and preservation of our wetlands and open space should attend this meeting to let the Millbury Conservation Commission know that there is community interest and support to enact a comprehensive wetlands protection bylaws similar to other forward-thinking communities in Massachusetts.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Authorization For Rice Pond Village Application

On the Millbury Board of Selectmen’s agenda for Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 6:00 PM, is an agenda items for the Board to authorize Mary Krumsiek, Chairperson of the Millbury Board of Selectmen, to execute an application for the proposed Chapter 40B Local Initiative Program (LIP) project. In order for the developers to proceed, the chief executive must execute the LIP application for the developers, Steven F. Venincasa and James Venincasa, under the limited liability corporation named Rice Pond Village, LLC to submit their application to the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).

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Millbury Related Steve Stearns Millbury Related Steve Stearns

Rename Aldrich Street To Aldrich Avenue Withdrawn

Town Manager, Sean Hendricks, reached out to one of our neighbors, the author of the citizens petition to “Rename Aldrich Avenue to Aldrich Avenue,” to inform us (the petitioners), that Town Meeting (the registered voters of Millbury) does not have the authority to rename an official street acceptance, as the citizens petition requested and as we were previously advised by another town official was the formal process to be followed.

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