Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.
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Arguments For A Temporary Building Moratorium
On May 2, 2023, Millbury voters will consider a town article to temporarily halt the issuance of new multi-family dwelling permits for 18 months. The moratorium aims to address overcrowding, preserve neighborhood character, and promote sustainable tax bases. The Planning Board unanimously recommended the article, and town officials and residents will review zoning bylaws to align with the master plan. This initiative has gained support from local voters, who wish to balance open space, commercial, industrial, and residential taxes to ensure the burden of increasing expenses doesn't fall solely on residential taxpayers.
Protect Vulnerable Road Users
On April 1, 2023, new vulnerable road users laws went into effect in Massachusetts. These laws were all passed as part of “An Act to Reduce Traffic Fatalities” in an effort to increase roadway safety across the commonwealth. Steve Stearns (a cyclist) approached Millbury Police Chief Brian Lewos with a proposal to promote awareness of the revised vulnerable road user law. The idea was to affix magnetic Public Service Advisory (PSA) signs on certain police SUVs as a means of informing Millbury's residents and those who pass through Millbury. Chief Brian Lewos readily accepted the proposal and authorized the PSA.
It’s Decision Day
It is important to show our support and encourage others to support Richard F. Gosselin, Jr. and Terry Burke Dotson for the Planning Board, and Brian A. Sora for the Board of Selectmen. These individuals have shown a strong commitment to our neighborhood and community, as well as a dedication to upholding the rule of law. They have pledged to continue this commitment in the future, making them excellent candidates for our support.
Town Authors A Comment Letter For Rice Pond Village
The lack of transparency from Sean Hendricks, Conor McCormick, and Mary Krumsiek has raised questions about their actions and motivations regarding the proposed Rice Pond Village project. One one hand the Millbury Board of Selectmen claims that they do not endorse the proposed Rice Pond Village project, but on the other hand, the included "comment letter" clearly endorses the project.
Reelect The Incumbent Planning Board Candidates
As the Millbury Planning Board election approaches, it is crucial to consider the candidates' proven experience, dedication, character, integrity, and track record. Given these factors, the incumbent planning board candidates, Richard F. Gosselin, Jr. and Terry Burke Dotson, emerge as the most suitable and valuable option for the community.
Favorable Recommendation On Multi-Family Moratorium
At the public hearing for the town warrant article held on March 27, 2023, Steve Stearns presented on the Temporary Building Moratorium on Multi-Family Dwelling Units (refer to presentation), which received a unanimous recommendation in favor by the Millbury Planning Board. Both residents and board members spoke in support of the warrant's value to the town of Millbury.