Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.
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Adaptive Reuse Overlay and Bramanville Village Districts
We have been informed that a discussion of the Adaptive Reuse Overlay District and the Bramanville Village District zoning bylaws will be added to the published agenda for the Millbury Planning Board on Monday, February 27, 2023 at 7:15 PM.
Authorization For Rice Pond Village Application
On the Millbury Board of Selectmen’s agenda for Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 6:00 PM, is an agenda items for the Board to authorize Mary Krumsiek, Chairperson of the Millbury Board of Selectmen, to execute an application for the proposed Chapter 40B Local Initiative Program (LIP) project. In order for the developers to proceed, the chief executive must execute the LIP application for the developers, Steven F. Venincasa and James Venincasa, under the limited liability corporation named Rice Pond Village, LLC to submit their application to the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).
Rename Aldrich Street To Aldrich Avenue Withdrawn
Town Manager, Sean Hendricks, reached out to one of our neighbors, the author of the citizens petition to “Rename Aldrich Avenue to Aldrich Avenue,” to inform us (the petitioners), that Town Meeting (the registered voters of Millbury) does not have the authority to rename an official street acceptance, as the citizens petition requested and as we were previously advised by another town official was the formal process to be followed.
No Build Wetlands Buffer Zone Delayed
After the publishing of the Wednesday, February 15, 2023, agenda, another neighbor called the Millbury Conservation Commission chairperson, Ronald Steed, who confirmed that he did in fact direct staff to add the “no build wetlands bylaw” to the agenda but did not know why the topic was not on the agenda. Ronald Steed ensured that the “no build wetlands bylaw” would be on the next Millbury Conservation Commission’s agenda following the February 15, 2023, meeting.
No Build Wetlands Buffer
Wetlands are vital ecosystems that play a critical role in the health and well-being of the environment and human communities. To ensure that these ecosystems are protected, it is important that no buildings or structures be allowed within 100 feet of a wetland. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why this buffer zone is so important.
Temporary Multi-Family Building Moratorium
Multi-family development in the town of Millbury has been a hot button topic of concern for many residents and there are a lot of polarizing and community dividing opinions on how these projects are currently handled with the town’s out-of-date and inadequate zoning bylaws.