Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.

Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

A Bad Deal

Mary Krumsiek, Chairperson of the Millbury Board of Selectmen and Sean Hendricks, Millbury Town Manager, are on the records as clearly stating to call what has transpired between the Selectmen, Town Manager, Steven F. Venincasa, and James Venincasa under the entity name of SJV Investments, LLC, a “negotiation” would not be an accurate description as the developers would not negotiate on much of anything the Town of Millbury had requested.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Opposition To The Rice Road Project – Millbury, MA

Our neighborhood and other residents of Millbury have sent or are sending opposition email messages to local and state officials for the proposed Chapter 40B LIP project slated for Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts to make our positions clear and known. While our neighborhood is not against the development of the property located at 17 Rice Road, we simply are asking for appropriate and responsible development that is compatible with the density and magnitude of the 43 existing single-family neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods, and in full compliance with all local and state regulations.

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Paving Of Rice Road

According to a drive-by conversation this afternoon with the Town of Millbury's DPW Director, Rice Road will be mostly paved from the Providence & Worcester Railroad crossing (our neighborhood side) to the last manhole on Rice Road near South Main Street on Monday, November 28, 2022.

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Neighborhood Meeting

On Monday, November 14, 2022, our neighborhood had a private neighborhood meeting to discuss the proposed Chapter 40B LIP project slated for the site at 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts. While we will not be publicly disclose details of the private neighborhood meeting, what we will share is that it was well attended by the majority of neighbors who actively participated and shared their thoughts and ideas on how we proceed forward together.

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Chapter 40B LIP Agreement Authorized

On Tuesday, October 25, 2022, the Millbury Board of Selectmen unanimously voted to authorize the chairperson of the Board of Selectmen, Mary Krumsiek, to enter into a Chapter 40B Local Initiative Program (LIP) agreement with SJV Investments (i.e., Steven Venincasa and James Venincasa ( the "Developer")) for the property located at 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts.

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