Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.
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Chapter 40B LIP Authorization
On Tuesday, October 11, 2022, the Millbury Board of Selectmen included on their agenda to authorize the Chairperson, Mary Krumsiek, on behalf of the Town of Millbury, to execute a Chapter 40B LIP agreement between the Town and SJV Investments (Steven Venincasa and James Venincasa) to begin the Chapter 40B LIP process. This is not an approval of the proposed Chapter 40B project at 17 Rice Road, as that decision lies with the Millbury Board of Appeals (more of a town recommendation than an decision) and the final decision is with the Massachusetts Housing and Community Development.
Pavement Work Base Layer Driveway Aprons
On Wednesday, September 21, 2022, the Town of Millbury's Department of Public Works / Highway Department's subcontractor, J.H. Lynch & Sons, Inc., has started laying down the base (binder) layer of asphalt on the driveway aprons and sidewalks serving households on Thomas Hill Road, Aldrich Avenue, and Captain Peter Simpson Road and will start hydroseeding areas that were loamed. A finish layer of asphalt will follow.
Bobcat In Area
One of our neighbors reported that a bobcat was observed in the area of Goretti's Supermarket and wanted others to be aware and alerted.
Bobcats are elusive and are rarely seen across their range. This is due to their preference for finding cover wherever they live, whether that's scrubland, forests, swamps, or even residential areas.
Pavement Work Finish Layer Update
On Friday, September 2, 2022, the Town of Millbury's Department of Public Works / Highway Department's subcontractor, J.H. Lynch & Sons, Inc., laying down the final layer of asphalt on Thomas Hill Road, Aldrich Avenue, and Captain Peter Simpson Road. It is assumed, but not confirmed, that Rice Road will follow next week between the Providence & Worcester Railroad crossing in a northwesterly direction to South Main Street.
Attorney General Approves Rezoning
The north side of Rice Road is now in alignment with the zoning of the south side of Rice Road and the entirety of the neighborhood of Thomas Hill Road, Aldrich Avenue, Captain Peter Simpson Road, and properties along the east side of South Main Street in a southerly direction toward the town of Sutton, effective May 3, 2022, as Suburban II.
Pavement Work Finish Layer
On Friday, September 2, 2022, the Town of Millbury's Department of Public Works / Highway Department's subcontractor, J.H. Lynch & Sons, Inc., has begun laying down the final layer of asphalt throughout our neighborhood of Rice Road, Thomas Hill Road, Aldrich Avenue, and Captain Peter Simpson Road.