Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.
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Chapter 40B Can Be Scaled Back
Case in point, Medfield Meadows is just one example of a proposed Chapter 40B project that was denied and there are other cases too. After the rejection of the proposed Medfield Meadows project by Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (MassHousing), they submitted a new plan that addressed the Chapter 40B requirements, noting that the proposed project was inconsistent with nearby existing residential building typology.
Consideration Of Initiation Of Chapter 40B Negotiations
On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, the Millbury Board of Selectmen have an agenda item under New Business for the Consideration of Initiation of Chapter 40B Negotiations with Rice Road Developers, Steven F. Venincasa and James Venicasa. The meeting starts at 6:00 PM EST and is held at the Millbury Town Hall located at 127 Elm Street in Millbury, Massachusetts.
Good Turnout For Signatures — Part 2
We wanted to express a heartfelt thank you to all who came out today to sign the citizens petition to call a special town meeting. The response was overwhelmingly positive and nearly every single person signed the petition. What was clear is that residents want positive change in Millbury to regulate the development of the town so while it grows it retains its small town character. Many have not been pleased with recent residential development projects for one reason or another.
Signatures To Call A Special Town Meeting — Part 2
Enact a temporary (15± months) building moratorium on multi-family dwelling units (3 or more) in Millbury to establish thoughtful criteria for consideration and approval of multi-family dwelling units within neighborhood contexts and within downtown Millbury. In order for the Town to undertake comprehensive planning to formulate and adopt such criteria under zoning, the Town intends to adopt a temporary moratorium on the consideration and approval of multi-family proposals under the Zoning Bylaws.
Pack Of Coyotes Spotted
A neighbor reported observing a pack of coyotes cross Aldrich Avenue (from west to east) heading over the banking down to the brook and behind 11 Thomas Hill Road, Wednesday evening at around 9:00 PM. People should be aware and use extreme caution in the neighbor to avoid one or more coyotes. When you see one, there are usually others around that are unseen.
Personal Responsibility
We all have it within ourselves the power to change our community's future through what we do each day. Life is a collection of choices. We can choose to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty, or take no action and hope someone else will change what we want for ourselves. Change happens because people make it happen.