Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.

Vote NO on Town Warrant Article 24

Certain individuals in the Town of Millbury are attempting to take away our voice and our vote with Article 24 in the Town Meeting Warrant Articles. We need to vote "no" on Article 24 on May 3, 2022, to keep our Millbury Planning Board as elected officials rather than being appointed by the Town Manager.

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Millbury Power Choice Program

Are you aware of the Millbury Power Choice Program? The Town of Millbury apparently is automatically opting electricity customers in the Millbury Power Choice Program, which sounds contradictory, since the "choice" was made for you by the Town of Millbury and you must opt-out if you do not wish to have your electric supplier changed for you.

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Multi-Family Building Moratorium To Be Delayed

Because there was no public hearing regarding the proposed building moratorium on multi-family dwelling units with three or more units, known now as the Millbury Town Meeting Warrant Article 27, may be "dismissed" on the Millbury Town Meeting floor on May 3, 2022, according to one of the proponents, who helped place the article into the warrant.

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An Explanation Of Millbury Town Warrant Article 26

What we discovered early in the permitting process for the recently denied proposed Rice Pond Village project is that Millbury does not have any specific multi-family regulations. Millbury's Planning Board struggles with how to evaluate these types of projects to ensure compliance with the existing rules and regulations, which quite simply do not adequately address the nuances and complexities of multi-family developments.

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Vote No On An Appointed Planning Board Article 24

The Charter Review Committee has recommended taking the vote away from each Millbury resident by including a Town Warrant Article (#24) to change the Millbury Planning Board from an elected board to appointments by the Town Manager, essential negating all representation by the community. The majority of voters should reject this Town Warrant Article.

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