Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.
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An Explanation Of Millbury Town Warrant Article 26
What we discovered early in the permitting process for the recently denied proposed Rice Pond Village project is that Millbury does not have any specific multi-family regulations. Millbury's Planning Board struggles with how to evaluate these types of projects to ensure compliance with the existing rules and regulations, which quite simply do not adequately address the nuances and complexities of multi-family developments.
Vote No On An Appointed Planning Board Article 24
The Charter Review Committee has recommended taking the vote away from each Millbury resident by including a Town Warrant Article (#24) to change the Millbury Planning Board from an elected board to appointments by the Town Manager, essential negating all representation by the community. The majority of voters should reject this Town Warrant Article.
Rezoning Presentation
At the Monday, March 28, 2022 Millbury Planning Board Meeting, a detailed presentation for the "Rezoning To Suburban II A Portion Of Residential I North Of Rice Road" was presented. The Millbury Planning Board members asked a series of questions and provided their input.
Mark Your Calendar: March 29, 2022
The Charter Review Committee will be holding a pubic hearing on their Town Warrant Article to change the Millbury Planning Board from an elected board to an appointed board (appointed by the Town Manager) at the Board of Selectmen's Meeting on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at 6:00 PM at the Millbury Town Hall at 127 Elm Street in Millbury, Massachusetts.
Mark Your Calendar: March 28, 2022
Please mark your calendar for Monday, March 28, 2022, at 7:15 PM, the Millbury Planning Board will be holding a public hearing on one of the citizen's petitions for the "Rezoning To Suburban II A Portion Of Residential I North Of Rice Road". All neighborhood residents should attend in person.
Millbury's Subsidized Housing Inventory
The Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) is used to measure a community's stock of low- or moderate-income housing for the purposes of M.G.L. Chapter 40B, the Comprehensive Permit Law. While housing developed under Chapter 40B is eligible for inclusion on the inventory, many other types of housing also qualify to count toward a community's affordable housing stock.