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Revised Site Plan v4
For the November 22, 2021 Millbury Planning Board Meeting, the project engineer for the proposed Rice Pond Village project located at 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts, James Tetreault of Azimuth Land Design, LLC, has submitted revised proposed Rice Pond Village Site Plan of Land (v4).
Engineer Reschedules Again
After the agendas for the Millbury Conservation Commission and Millbury Planning Board meetings were published, the developer, Steven F. Venincasa, doing business as Whitney Street Home Builders, LLC, and his project engineer, James Tetreault of Azimuth Land Design, LLC, decided to request to reschedule the public hearings to a later date (see below). This is not the first time that Steven F. Venincasa and James Tetreault have acted in an unprofessional manner.
Project Reviewed By Independent Engineer
Stantec Consulting Services Inc., an independent engineer retained by the Town of Millbury's Planning Board reviewed the latest iteration of site plans for the proposed Rice Pond Village project and submitted their findings in a 10-page review, dated October 16, 2021.
McLaughlins Tell People It Is The Developer
At least two of the McLaughlin family members are telling people in Millbury that their original intention was to develop their combined family properties at 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts into single-family house lots. However, now the McLaughlins are claiming that the developer, Steven F. Venincasa, under the business name of Whitney Street Home Builders, LLC switched their plans to a highly dense condominium development.
Developer Nervous About Project Support
At the September 27, 2021 public hearing of the Millbury Planning Board, the developer, Steven F. Venincasa of Whitney Street Home Builders, LLC asked to take a straw poll of the board members to see if there was a super majority who would vote in favor of the project or not. If not, then Steven F. Venincasa wanted to withdraw the project and resubmit it. Richard F. Gosselin, Jr., chairperson of the Millbury Planning Board, denied the request to conduct a straw poll of board members.
Revised Site Plan v3
At the September 27, 2021 Millbury Planning Board Meeting, the engineer for the proposed Rice Pond Village project located at 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts, James Tetreault of Azimuth Land Design, LLC, submitted revised proposed Rice Pond Village Site Plan of Land (v3).