Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.

Engineer No Show, Public Hearings Continued

There were two public hearing scheduled and posted on the agendas of the Millbury Planning Board and Millbury Conservation Commission this week that James Tetreault, the project engineer from Azimuth Land Design, LLC, did not attend and therefore the public hearing were continued, even though neighbors were in attendance and ready to provide public comments. The developer, Steven F. Venincasa of Whitney Street Home Builders, LLC, was in attendance for the Millbury Planning Board meeting for the Canal Street project, but left immediately after that public hearing concluded.

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General Health Effects of Transportation Noise

The Federal Railroad Administration sponsored the preparation of the “General Health Effects of Transportation Noise” to support a rulemaking process about the use of locomotive horns and the accompanying environmental impact statement. “General Health Effects of Transportation Noise” reviews select current and past research on the effect of transportation noise on the physiological and psychological health for both people and wildlife.

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Noise Impacts

At nearly every Millbury Planning Board public hearing for the proposed Rice Pond Village project, increased noise concerns have been raised by the neighborhood due to the proposed development plans to basically clearcut the natural undeveloped property containing mature trees and vegetation and then manipulating the existing grade to accommodate the proposed plans to build 52 condominiums at 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts, which directly abuts an active Providence & Worcester Railroad and traffic noise from Providence Street (Route 122A).

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