Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.
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Rice Road Railroad Crossing
A resident submitted an alternative concept for the Providence & Worcester Railroad crossing to mitigate some of the known issues.
Letters To Conservation Commission
Numerous abutters sent opposition letters to the Millbury Conservation Commission requesting the denial of a permit to perform work within the 100 foot wetlands protection buffer zone due their significant concerns about the proposed Rice Pond Village project with a project site address of 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts.
How Did We End Up Here
Rice Pond Village, the website, not the proposed development, is one of many continuing and coordinated efforts of neighbors working together to mitigate any potential negative impacts due to a proposed multifamily development with a project address of 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts, owned by the Rice Pond Realty Trust, John Antaya, Kathleen (McLaughlin) Mardirosian, and the McLaughlin Family Living Trust.
Letters To Planning Board
More than a super majority of abutters (more than 67%) sent opposition letters to the Millbury Planning Board articulating their significant concerns about the proposed Rice Pond Village project with a project site address of 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts.
Public Hearing Notice
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Millbury Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, May 10, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. on the application of Whitney Street Home Builders, LLC, property located at 17 Rice Road, Millbury, MA, for a Multi-Family Special Permit under Millbury Zoning Bylaws, Article 1, Section 14.11 (a), Site Plan Review under Zoning Bylaws, Article 1, Section 12.4, and for a Post-Construction Storm Water Management Permit under Millbury Municipal Code, Title 13, Chapter 13.15. The Applicant seeks approval for a multi-family development consisting of 52 duplex units and associated improvements.
Project Cover Letter
The applicant, Whitney Street Home Builders, LLC, proposes to construct a condominium development of 52 units on this site. The land is approximately 15.6 acres located in the R-1 zoning district on the northerly side of Rice Road and is comprised of parcels numbers 75 and 144 on Assessor’s Map 63.