Act Now: Neighborhood Meeting to Discuss Next Steps
On July 24, 2024, the Millbury Board of Appeals concluded the public hearing for the proposed Chapter 40B Rice Pond Village project, marking the end of developer and public input. The Board now has 40 days to decide and file their decision with the Town Clerk. Following this, any aggrieved party has just 20 days to file an appeal in Superior Court for direct abutters and indirect abutters. We would require one or more direct abutters to proceed with an appeal.
Given the uncertainties surrounding the Board’s decision and the tight timeline for appeals, it’s crucial we prepare for potential outcomes that may not align with our interests. As neighbors and a community, we urge you to join us for a neighborhood meeting to strategize on next steps, if any.
To set proper expectations, challenging the Millbury Board of Appeals decision through an appeal will incur significant costs. This financial burden would need to be covered by the plaintiffs or through community contributions, and the process could take several years to be resolved by a Superior Court judge.
Please fill out and submit this form to help us coordinate a date and time that suits the majority.