Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.

MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns

MBTA Communities Act Is Not Just Zoning

Anyone who thinks the MBTA Communities Act is merely about zoning without resulting in the demolition and construction of much denser housing is mistaken. If developers spot profit potential, they will move in and build. In fact, one developer is already targeting property owners in Millbury, seeking to buy properties with the aim of maximizing profits through increased density and monopolizing the town's rental market with market-rate units. This poses a serious concern for those living in the Business 1 Zoning District, the Environmental Justice Population zone, and those with incomes at 65 percent or less of the statewide median household income. Many Millbury residents find the current rents neither reasonable nor affordable.

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MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns

Next Up: Exploiting The MBTA Communities Act

In recent years, developers have increasingly exploited Chapter 40B, using it as a tool to bypass local zoning bylaws and pursue projects that maximize their bottom line. Now, many see the MBTA Communities Act (M.G.L. c. 40A §3A) as a similar opportunity for developers. While the MBTA Communities Act does not override all local zoning regulations, it provides a pathway for developers to circumvent certain restrictions, leading to much denser developments than local communities may desire. This approach allows developers to push projects forward with fewer obstacles, aligning with their financial interests but often at odds with community preferences and established zoning norms.

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MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns

Boston Tea Party 2.0 Unfolding

While both the Boston Tea Party and resistance to the MBTA Communities Act involve acts of defiance against governmental authorities, the motivations and historical contexts of these events are quite different. The Boston Tea Party was a foundational moment in the struggle for American independence, while resistance to the MBTA Communities Act is part of ongoing debates about governance, public policy, and community rights in a modern context.

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MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns

MBTA Communities Act Myths & Facts

On Thursday, April 11, 2024, residents of Shrewsbury gathered for an open forum to explore the myths, facts, and misconceptions about the MBTA Communities Act, with a specific focus on how it affects Shrewsbury and the 176 other communities in Massachusetts. Millbury, facing parallel challenges, emphasizes the importance of making decisions rooted in informed understanding rather than relying on state leaders' propaganda. It's crucial to note that the deadline for compliance is December 31, 2024.

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MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns

Millbury Residents Intervene In MBTA Communities Act Lawsuit

Discover how the Millbury Neighborhoods for Responsible Growth, led by Steve Stearns, is taking action in a pivotal zoning dispute. Learn about their concerns regarding the MBTA Communities Act and its impact on Millbury's housing and resources. Millbury joins other communities in contesting §3A's application, safeguarding community well-being amidst legal proceedings that could shape its future.

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MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns

Milton Rejects MBTA Communities Act

State officials are apprehensive that the Milton vote might embolden other communities to entertain the idea of non-compliance with the MBTA Communities Act, posing a significant setback to Governor Healey’s efforts to expand affordable housing. Numerous municipal officials are closely monitoring Milton's "no" vote to gauge the state's resolve in enforcing the new legislation.

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