Further Statement About Town Manager Resignation

Christopher Naff, the Chairperson of Millbury's Board of Selectmen, delivered the following prepared statement during the Board of Selectmen Meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2023.

Before we get to other items on the agenda, I am going to address the departure of the town manager last week. I recognize that Mr. Hendricks’ resignation may come as a surprise to many – staff and residents alike. Therefore, I would like to provide some clarification for the community.

As was mentioned in the town’s statement last week, Mr. Hendricks accomplished many good things during his time in town, and Millbury stands to benefit from that work for years to come. I also think it is fair to the taxpayers to clarify that there is no financial impact resulting from Mr. Hendrick’s decision to resign, except that by law, the town owes Mr. Hendricks his accrued vacation for this fiscal year – which is not a significant sum. There are no severance payments or other amounts owed under Mr. Hendricks’ contract.

I know there may still be quite a few questions unanswered, but this is all the information the board will be providing. When we open Citizens Speak shortly, you’re welcome to share any thoughts or questions you may have. However, the board will not be providing any further comments.

This will be a transition for Millbury, but we will get through it. We will work closely with staff to ensure that the business of running the town is conducted properly, and that is what we will do tonight when we consider the appointment of an acting town manager.

Later in the meeting, under New Business 4, regarding town counsel’s continued representation, Mary Krumsiek said, “Considering what’s happening right now, I think it would be wise to keep the same law firm that kind of knows our business.” Christopher Naff said, “I think during a transition, it's super helpful to have the same counsel.”

One doesn't require advanced expertise to deduce from these statements, considering the meeting's introduction to Sean Hendricks' employment and sudden departure without customary notice or transition, that there might be unresolved legal concerns. These uncertainties could result in possible risks or expenses for the town. It's also sensible to speculate that the town counsel has probably recommended that the Board of Selectmen refrain from discussing the matter.

Since this matter falls under the realm of human resources, any conversations concerning contractual, civil, or criminal legal matters tied to Sean Hendricks' reasons for his abrupt departure could potentially influence ongoing legal discussions, negotiations, or proceedings.

The Board of Selectmen promoted Karyn Clark, the Deputy Town Manager, to the position of Acting Town Manager, effective until a new Town Manager is appointed in the next three to six months.


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