Millbury’s Chapter 40B Housing Production Plan

A Housing Production Plan (HPP) is a community's proactive strategy for planning and developing affordable housing by: creating a strategy to enable it to meet its affordable housing needs in a manner consistent with the Chapter 40B statute and regulation

The HPP regulation became effective on February 22, 2008, when the Department of Housing and Community Development (now Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities) promulgated 760 CMR 56.00, Comprehensive Permit; Low or Moderate Income Housing. The HPP regulation is contained in 760 CMR 56.03(4). HPPs replace Planned Production under 760 CMR 31.07(1)(i).

If a community has a Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) approved HPP and is granted certification of compliance with the plan by EOHLC, a decision by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) relative to a comprehensive permit application will be deemed "consistent with local needs" under MGL Chapter 40B. "Consistent with local needs" means the ZBA's decision will be upheld by the Housing Appeals Committee.

The Town of Millbury seeks your feedback regarding the present housing situation. Participating in this survey will assist both the Town of Millbury and the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) in revising the outdated and expired Housing Production Plan. This plan assesses the local housing landscape and suggests proactive measures for fostering a broader range of affordable housing choices to accommodate the requirements of both current and prospective residents. Paper copies are also available at Millbury Town Hall, Senior Center, and Public Library. The survey closes on April 30, 2024.

Millbury's 2007 Housing Production Plan, though expired, remains accessible for reference and review. Additionally, the town possesses a 2019 Master Plan. These documents, along with other rules and regulations, should seamlessly align to establish the foundation for development in Millbury.

We encourage everyone to take part as this should shape Millbury's development process. While it's a plan, it necessitates the active engagement of Millbury's Planning and Development Office staff, Planning Board, and Board of Appeals to implement and adhere to the Housing Production Plan without waivers or variances.

It's imperative for town officials and employees to guarantee that the Housing Production Plan, Master Plan, and other essential documents remain up-to-date and are not allowed to expire without a replacement before their expiration dates.


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Recap Of Chapter 40B Public Hearing #6