Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods.

Election Steve Stearns Election Steve Stearns

Planning Board 2024 Candidates

Drawing from factual observations made by numerous participants in meetings and public hearings over recent years, this blog post unveils pivotal insights into the workings of the Millbury Planning Board. While its content may be confronting for some, it will surely strike a chord with others. With many challenges ahead of us, it's time for us, as registered voters, to face reality if we truly desire genuine change. While some may find it uncomfortable, we must be prepared for honest and direct assessments of the board members. It is up to us to elect the change we desire for our community.

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Election Steve Stearns Election Steve Stearns

The Pitfalls of Local Incumbents: When Representation Fails To Serve

In the realm of local governance, incumbent figures often wield significant influence. They are the experienced hands, familiar with the workings of the system. But what happens when these incumbents falter, failing to meet expectations and disregarding the voices of the residents they're meant to represent? The answer is straightforward: it's time for change.

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Election Steve Stearns Election Steve Stearns

Your Vote, Your Voice: A Call to Action for Informed Decision-Making

As we approach the upcoming election cycle, it's crucial to recognize the power of your vote and the impact it can have on the future of your community. Too often, voters simply fill in the dot next to a familiar name or succumb to the influence of hearsay. But this election, let's pledge to do better. Let's commit to informed decision-making that prioritizes the genuine advocacy and representation of residents.

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Election Election

Fran DeSimone Nomination Papers Signed

Fran DeSimone has been a voice of reason and common sense on the Millbury Planning Board. He speaks from his years of experience as a contractor (i.e., practical knowledge). Fran DeSimone believes in adhering to the Town of Millbury's regulations. He believes in responsible development.

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