Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.

MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns MBTA Communities Act Steve Stearns

Milton Rejects MBTA Communities Act

State officials are apprehensive that the Milton vote might embolden other communities to entertain the idea of non-compliance with the MBTA Communities Act, posing a significant setback to Governor Healey’s efforts to expand affordable housing. Numerous municipal officials are closely monitoring Milton's "no" vote to gauge the state's resolve in enforcing the new legislation.

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Affordable Homes Act Steve Stearns Affordable Homes Act Steve Stearns

Affordable Homes Act

Governor Maura Healey has presented the Affordable Homes Act to the legislature for review and potential implementation, as announced in her latest State of the Commonwealth address. Among its provisions, one aspect of this proposed legislation is the allowance of "Accessory Dwelling Units" (ADUs) in all residential zoning districts statewide, designated as an "as of right" provision, which is subject to amendments and the likely implementation of local zoning bylaws or ordinances which are subject to review by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) and the Attorney General’s Bylaw Review department

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Millbury's Water Supply Struggle

Discover the urgent realities of water scarcity in Millbury and the looming risks it poses to the community's safety and well-being. Uncover the fragile reliance on neighboring cities for water supply and the alarming consequences of potential shortages, from compromising daily necessities to endangering lives during firefighting efforts. Delve into the critical discussions with the Millbury Fire Chief regarding supplementary water sources and the town's already overstretched reliance on external water provisions. With detailed insights from Aquarion Water Company's reports, grasp the gravity of Millbury's water deficit and its implications for future development. Amidst Worcester's burgeoning construction and escalating water demand, the imperative for Millbury to secure local water sources becomes unmistakably clear. Ignoring this imperative risks not only the town's future but also the fundamental essence of life itself.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Recap Of Chapter 40B Public Hearing #4

Maybe I am premature in this, but it doesn’t seem like we’re calling up the elephant in the room. The width of Rice Road, a project this size requires 32 feet [of pavement width]; the height of the buildings, 65.5 feet; and the zoning in that area is 30 feet [maximum building height]. Waivers of this magnitude are ridiculous. They shouldn’t be granted. This project does not belong in this area. They were before the planning board for almost a year, ten months, and we danced. And if you read the letter that the [planning board] chair and I sent, the reasons for the denial were in the letter, and [the denial decision] was written by town counsel. So, they are all legitimate reasons, the reasons for the denial. This project does not belong on Rice Road. The height is too high. The road can’t handle it. The railroad tracks are a problem, which was a sticking issue with the planning board. We had an estimate for the railroad tracks. I still have it. The developer would not fix it. If the project goes through, the town is going to be on the hook for Rice Road, that railroad tracks, Providence Street, and possibly South Main Street. The project does not belong in this area. If you require that many waivers, that means the project does not belong there. It’s a very simple computation. It’s very simple.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Rice Pond Village Parking Space Analysis

Steven Venincasa, James Venincasa, along with their project engineer James Tetreault, have submitted a request for a parking requirement waiver for the proposed Chapter 40B Rice Pond Village project, seeking approval for 209 less parking spaces than mandated by the Millbury’s Subdivision Rules and Regulations. They instead suggest a parking ratio of 1.66 parking spaces per unit, but provide no supporting data with their request for a waiver.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Chapter 40B Public Hearing - January 31, 2024

The upcoming public hearing for the proposed Chapter 40B Rice Pond Village project will be hosted by the Millbury Board of Appeals. It is scheduled for Wednesday, January 31, 2024, starting at 7:00 PM. The venue for this event will be at the Millbury Senior Center, situated at One River Street in Millbury, Massachusetts. Attending in person is encouraged for maximum impact. However, if you're unable to attend physically, you can join via Zoom using Meeting ID 834 1855 4333 or watch it on either Verizon FIOS channel 26 or (Charter) Spectrum channel 191, or afterwards on Millbury Video-On-Demand.

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