Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.

Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Why Building Typology Matters

M.G.L. Chapter 40B defines “Consistent with Local Needs” as ensuring the well-being of proposed housing occupants and city/town residents, enhancing site and building design, and preserving open spaces. This standard heavily influences evaluations of Chapter 40B projects, particularly concerning their alignment with the environment in terms of height, size, proportion, and building typology. Yet, it necessitates the local Board of Appeals to fully meet their responsibilities within the permitting process, guaranteeing the safeguarding of public safety and the environment, while also ensuring the project aligns seamlessly with the existing neighborhood's building typology and relationship to adjacent streets.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

The Human Impact Of Development: A Closer Look At Rice Pond Village

In the realm of urban development and community expansion, the decisions made often have far-reaching consequences. They are decisions that ripple through the lives of those directly impacted, shaping their daily existence, their safety, and their well-being. Consider for a moment a scenario where you find yourself at the center of a debate surrounding an oversized multifamily development on an inadequate road with known public safety issues. It's not just a matter of policy or urban planning; it's personal.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Crucial Fire Safety Concerns For Rice Pond Village

When considering the Chapter 40B Rice Pond Village project, it's imperative to assess fire safety concerns integral to Steven Venincasa and James Venincasa's plans. Despite existing guidelines in the Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code and the Massachusetts State Building Code, these codes appear disregarded by the developers and their project engineer. This oversight isn't unfamiliar for this developer. Upon scrutiny against our local zoning bylaw, subdivision rules, comprehensive permit rules and regulations, you'll identify a substantial list of disregarded or overlooked requirements in their proposed development plans.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Liability For Pre-Identified Risks

While not experts in personal injury law or risk assessment, our preliminary research highlights potential consequences if town officials overlook necessary precautions against accidents, injuries, or more severe incidents. This is especially crucial given documented public safety concerns tied to any decision made regarding the proposed Chapter 40B Rice Pond Village project. Conditioning any approval on measures to address and mitigate identified public safety issues is essential. The majority of personal injury cases tend to settle as it's often more cost-effective than going through litigation. While insurance might cover these losses, ultimately, it's the taxpayers who shoulder the burden through potential increases in insurance premiums.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Chapter 40B Public Hearing Protocol

This blog post serves as a valuable tool for everyone involved in the public hearings for the proposed Chapter 40B Rice Pond Village project. It's designed to support the Millbury Board of Appeals, as well as stakeholders including neighboring residents, abutters, applicants, and presenters. Rather than critique, its aim is to offer guidance. Through the cultivation of a well-structured agenda and clear communication, its goal is to improve the outcomes of meetings or public hearings, ensuring that everyone feels their time is respected, valued, and notably, fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity and collaboration.

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Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns Rice Pond Village Project Steve Stearns

Recap Of Chapter 40B Public Hearing #2

Upon opening the second public hearing regarding the proposed Chapter 40B Rice Pond Village project, a point of order was raised following Robert’s Rules of Order. However, Kenneth Perro, the chairperson of the Millbury Board of Appeals, chose not to address it. Instead, he notified the roughly 50 attending residents that they would not have the opportunity to speak until at least January 10, 2024. This announcement did not resonate positively with those who had intended to actively participated in the public process by attending the meeting in person and remotely.

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