Neighbors working together to preserve our neighborhoods and beyond.
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Noise Impacts
At nearly every Millbury Planning Board public hearing for the proposed Rice Pond Village project, increased noise concerns have been raised by the neighborhood due to the proposed development plans to basically clearcut the natural undeveloped property containing mature trees and vegetation and then manipulating the existing grade to accommodate the proposed plans to build 52 condominiums at 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts, which directly abuts an active Providence & Worcester Railroad and traffic noise from Providence Street (Route 122A).
Revised Site Plans v2
At the July 21, 2021 Millbury Planning Board Meeting, the engineer for the proposed Rice Pond Village project located at 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts, James Tetreault of Azimuth Land Design, LLC, submitted revised proposed Rice Pond Village Site Plan of Land (v2).
Rice Road South Main Street Intersection
A resident submitted an alternative concept for the intersection of Rice Road and South Main Street to mitigate the known issues.
Rice Road Railroad Crossing
A resident submitted an alternative concept for the Providence & Worcester Railroad crossing to mitigate some of the known issues.
Letters To Conservation Commission
Numerous abutters sent opposition letters to the Millbury Conservation Commission requesting the denial of a permit to perform work within the 100 foot wetlands protection buffer zone due their significant concerns about the proposed Rice Pond Village project with a project site address of 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts.
How Did We End Up Here
Rice Pond Village, the website, not the proposed development, is one of many continuing and coordinated efforts of neighbors working together to mitigate any potential negative impacts due to a proposed multifamily development with a project address of 17 Rice Road in Millbury, Massachusetts, owned by the Rice Pond Realty Trust, John Antaya, Kathleen (McLaughlin) Mardirosian, and the McLaughlin Family Living Trust.