Protect The Rice Pond Wetlands Habitat

Just in as of Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 3:33 PM from the Town Planner... "I was advised that there was a post online calling for residents to attend tomorrow's Conservation Committee meeting regarding 17 Rice Road. Please be advised that the applicant has requested a continuance to the July 10, 2024, Conservation Commission meeting. Additional Conservation Commission continuances may be requested for that application until the Comprehensive Permit public hearing with the Board of Appeals concludes. I would suggest reaching out to the Conservation Office ahead of July 10, 2024, meeting to confirm if the application will be heard."

The Millbury Board of Appeals meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 26, 2024, has been postponed due to a conflict with the Millbury Conservation Commission meeting about the proposed Chapter 40B Rice Pond Village project. Both meetings were initially set for the same evening. The Millbury Conservation Commission meeting will begin at 6:30 PM at the Millbury Town Hall, located at 127 Elm Street in Millbury, Massachusetts.

Concerned residents are encouraged to attend the Millbury Conservation Commission meeting. Our neighborhood has requested a deeded conservation restriction to protect the wetland resources of Rice Pond, located behind the houses on the north side of Rice Road, including its feeder brooks and outlets that feed into the Blackstone River watershed from the Millbury Board of Appeals and will make the same request of the Millbury Conservation Commission. According to the Berlin Conservation Commission, this developer has received multiple stop work orders in Berlin for wetlands violations for their Highland Ridge Condominiums, a Chapter 40B project consisting of 66 duplex condominiums.

Specifically, what was requested is:

13. Add a condition that before the issuance of the first occupancy permit, the developer must establish and record a clearly defined metes and bounds conservation easement at the Worcester County Registry of Deeds, excluding out parcels. This easement shall include the area around Rice Pond and extend from the eastern side of the New England Power Company easement to the western property boundaries retained by the developer. The conservation easement will prohibit any development or construction of manmade structures, except for the proposed dog park as specified in the final approved site plans.

  • Applicant’s Response: “Much of the remaining land is already encumbered by the presence of wetlands and the power line easement. The applicant does not intend to create additional restrictions to the creation or revision of amenities should lessee interests change in the future.”

    • Neighborhood Rebuttal: “Our neighborhood requests that the Board of Appeals establish a project condition requiring the Applicant to establish and record a clearly defined metes and bounds conservation easement at the Worcester County Registry of Deeds before issuing the first occupancy permit. This easement will exclude out parcels and encompass the area surrounding Rice Pond, extending from the eastern side of the New England Power Company easement to the western property boundaries retained by the developer. The conservation easement will prohibit any construction of manmade structures, except for the proposed dog park as detailed in the final approved site plans.”

14. Add a condition that the developer shall incorporate the aforementioned restrictions into their rules and provide notices to tenants accordingly.

  • Applicant’s Response: “As noted above, the Applicant does not intend to create such restrictions.”

    • Neighborhood Rebuttal: “Our neighborhood requests that the Board of Appeals set a project condition requiring the Applicant to incorporate the aforementioned wetlands restrictions into their rules or provide notice to tenants accordingly.” Please note our neighborhood never asked for this conditions to be included in tenants leases.

If you are unable to attend in person, please consider joining via Zoom with the Meeting ID: 853 2344 9710.

Longtime residents of our neighborhood know that Rice Pond and the surrounding area serve as a wildlife habitat for a diverse array of animals, including foxes, coyotes, deer, rabbits, turtles, birds, and many others. We are also aware that human development is increasingly encroaching on their habitat, displacing them from their homes. This is a fragile ecosystem that needs our protection.


Chapter 40B Public Hearing - June 26, 2024